The UQ Psychology Clinic offers both therapy (delivered by provisional psychologists or counselling students) and assessment services (conducted by provisional psychologists).

Referrals and eligibility

We welcome referrals from:

  • Individuals in the community seeking services for themselves or their children (self-referrals)
  • Health and education professionals referring clients for assessment or therapy

A mental health care plan is not required.

For comprehensive information about our services, including services limitations, and to find the best fit for your referral needs, please visit our Clinic services page.

Waiting list and appointment process

  • Clients are placed on a waiting list based on the date their referral is received.
  • The administration team will contact you via email to confirm that you have been placed on the waitlist and will provide an approximate wait time.
  • Wait times vary throughout the year depending on demand.
  • Once a clinician becomes available, clients will be contacted to schedule an initial appointment.

During the first appointment, the clinician will gather information about the client’s current situation and history. If it is determined that our clinic is not the most appropriate service, alternative referral options will be provided.

If you are unsure whether our services are suitable for your needs, please contact our Clinic Administration Team or Clinic Manager for guidance.

Submitting a referral

For up-to-date waitlist information and access to referral forms, please visit our home page. When waitlists are closed, referral forms will not be accessible.